Сколько весит метр уголка: Вес уголка, таблица расчета веса уголка стального, теоретический удельный вес 1 метра погонного металлического уголка

Вес уголка, таблица расчета веса уголка стального, теоретический удельный вес 1 метра погонного металлического уголка
Размер и толщина полок уголка Вес 1 мп, кг Метров в тонне
B t
Размер и толщина полок уголка Вес 1 мп, кг Метров в тонне
Вес 1 метра (Равнополочного и Неравнополочного) уголка!

В строительном секторе, а так же при сооружении несущих стен и не только, давно используют стальные уголки. От его качества и правильно подобранного размера металлического угла зависит надежность всего здания. Материал бывает двух видов: равнополочный и неравнополочный. В этой статье ми поговорим о том сколько весит 1 погонный метр угловой стали каждого вида а так же их количество в 1 тонне.

Таблица веса равнополочного уголка, количество метров в 1 тонне

В таблице которая приведена ниже, указаны все параметры согласно с ГОСТ 8509-93. Так же для полного удобства приведено количество метров в одной тонне разных размеров.

Размер сечения уголка, мм.Вес 1 метра, кг.Кол-во метров уголка в 1 тонне, м.

Таблица веса неравнополочного уголка

Ниже приведена таблица, в которой подробно указан вес одного метра стального уголка разных размеров, и количество углов в 1 тонне. Все расчеты произведены в соответствии с нормами ГОСТ 8510-86.

Размер сечения уголка, мм.Вес 1 метра, кг.Кол-во метров уголка в 1 тонне, м.


По точности прокатки материалы деляться:

  • А — высокой точности;
  • Б — обычной точности.

Номер соответствует ширине полки, выраженной в мм.

Уголок стальной подразделяется также на равнополочный и неравнополочный. У равнополочного по всему сечению длинна его сторон имеет одинаковую величину. У неравнополочного длина сторон различна. Уголок этой категории выпускается более ограниченным сортаментом.

Неравнополочные и равнополочные изделия производятся из углеродистой стали обыкновенного качества ГОСТ 380-94 марок: Ст0, Ст3кп, Ст3сп/пс, из стали повышенной прочности (низколегированной) ГОСТ 19281-89 марок: 09Г2С, 15ХСНД.

Материал по стали 9г2с (низколегированная сталь) используется при строительстве и производстве с определенными постоянными или переменными нагрузками, а так же в областях подверженных низким температурам.

Уголок 50х50х5 Вес 1-го метра: Количество в тонне!

Вес 1 метра уголка с размерами 50х50х5 мм — это так называемая масса одного погонного метра угловой стали. Так как это металлическое изделия изготавливают по стандартам ГОСТа, все требование строго соблюдены. Это дает четкие характеристики, и понятие о его геометрических размеров. А так же ширины полок и толщины стенок металлического проката в виде угловой стали сечениям 50. В нашем случае равнополочный уголок должен иметь размер полки 50 мм. толщина стенки 5 мм.

Уголок сечениям 50х50х5 вес 1-го метра и количество в тонне

Стандарты ГОСТа геометрии угловой стали определяют и норму веса уголка 50х50х5 мм, если ми говорим об 1 погонном весе прокатного уголка. Его часто еще называют условным, теоретическим, табличным или расчетным весом 1 метра уголка 50х50х5 мм.

Очень редко когда используют термин удельная масса 1 метра. Все эти примеры можно назвать синонимами. Узнать сколько весит уголок 50х50х5, вес 1 метра будет равен 3.77 кг. Узнать вес уголков других сечений 50 мм. а так же количество метров в тонне можно из таблицы которая приведена ниже. В ней изображена короткая выписка из ГОСТа. Где выведена только точная информация о том какая масса угловой стали 50 на 50 на 5 миллиметров в кг.

НаименованиеРазмеры уголка, ммТолщина стенки s, ммВес метра, кгМетров в тонне
Уголок 50×35032.320431.03
Уголок 50×45043.050327.87
Уголок 50×55053.770265.25
Уголок 50×65064.470223.71
Уголок 50×75075.150194.17
Уголок 50×85085.820171.82
Уголок 56×45643.440290.7
Уголок 56×55654.250235.29

В таблицах веса стального уголка показатели горячекатаных и гнутых уголков отличаются. При расчетах веса уголков необходимо знать не только ширину и толщину полки, но и радиусы внутреннего и внешнего закругления. Для вычисления веса горячекатаных уголков используют формулу:

ρу = [(A+B-t)·t+(1-π/4)·(r2внутр-2·r2внешн)]·ρ,

где t — толщина полок; А — ширина большей полки; B — ширина меньшей полки; ρ — плотность материала; rвнешн — радиус внешнего закругления полок; rвнутр — радиус внутреннего закругления.

Заключения: Если вас интересуют размеры других сечений, то ознакомиться с ними можно перейдя по ссылке. Там выведена вся информация о всех популярных размерах с соблюдением норм ГОСТа.

вес 1 погонного метра (таблица).

В настоящий момент в строительстве очень важным элементом является правильный выбор качественных материалов. Уголки используются в различных сферах деятельности, именно по этой причине очень важно правильно подобрать материал, способный импонировать вашим пожеланиям и потребностям, сочетая в себе высокое качество и повышенные параметры прочности.

Стальной уголок 40х40х4Стальной уголок 40х40х4

В принципе, купить уголок стальной сегодня не проблема. Ассортимент предложений стал значительный. Есть материал гнутый, горячекатаный, равнополочный, неравнополчный. Самым популярным видом являеться угловая сталь с размером 40 40 на 4. В общем, нужно внимательно оценить предложенные варианты, и вы в действительности сможете найти варианты, способные помочь вам достичь поставленных целей.

Какой вес уголка 40х40х4?

В соответствии с ГОСТ 8509-93 масса одного погонного метра стального равнополочного уголка 40х40х4 (мм) равна 2.42 (кг/м). На определение массы влияют показатели марки стали и техника изготовления.

Важно: допустимое отклонение по весу не должно быть более ± 1.25% для стали повышенной прочности и ± 1.50% для обычной стали.

Стандартный стальной уголок производится из рядовой углеродистой стали марки 3сп (пс) и достигает 6 (м) в длину.

Таблица всех размеров:

Размеры уголка, ммШирина полки А, ммТолщина стенки t, ммВес 1 метра, кгМетров в 1 тоннеДопустимые отклонения веса, %
Повыш. точностиОбычной
20х20х32030,891123,6± 1,25± 1,50
20х20х42041,15869,57± 1,25± 1,50
25х25х32531,12892,86± 1,25± 1,50
25х25х42541,46684,93± 1,25± 1,50
28х28х32831,27787,4± 1,25± 1,50
32х32х33231,46684,93± 1,25± 1,50
32х32х43241,91523,56± 1,25± 1,50
35х35х33531,6625± 1,25± 1,50
35х35х43542,1476,19± 1,25± 1,50
40х40х34031,85540,54± 1,25± 1,50
40х40х44042,42413,22± 1,25± 1,50
40х40х54052,98335,57± 1,25± 1,50
45х45х34532,08480,77± 1,25± 1,50
45х45х44542,73366,3± 1,25± 1,50
45х45х54553,37296,74± 1,50± 2,00
50х50х35032,32431,03± 1,50± 2,00
50х50х45043,05327,87± 1,50± 2,00
50х50х55053,77265,25± 1,50± 2,00
56х56х45643,44290,7± 1,50± 2,00
56х56х55654,25235,29± 1,50± 2,00
63х63х46343,91255,75± 1,50± 2,00
63х63х56354,81207,9± 1,50± 2,00
63х63х66365,72174,83± 1,50± 2,00
70х70х57055,83185,87± 1,50± 2,00
70х70х67066,39156,49± 1,50± 2,00
70х70х77077,39135,32± 1,50± 2,00
70х70х87088,37119,47± 1,50± 2,00
75х75х57555,8172,41± 1,50± 2,00
75х75х67566,89145,14± 1,50± 2,00
75х75х77577,96125,63± 1,50± 2,00
75х75х87589,02110,86± 1,50± 2,00
75х75х975910,0799,3± 1,50± 2,00
80х80х68067,36135,87± 1,50± 2,00
80х80х78078,51117,51± 1,50± 2,00
80х80х88089,65103,63± 1,50± 2,00
90х90х69068,33120,05± 1,50± 2,00
90х90х79079,64103,73± 1,50± 2,00
90х90х890810,9391,49± 2,00± 2,50
90х90х990912,281,97± 2,00± 2,50
100х100х6.51006,510,0699,4± 2,00± 2,50
100х100х7100710,7692,68± 2,00± 2,50
100х100х8100812,2581,63± 2,00± 2,50
100х100х101001015,166,23± 2,00± 2,50
100х100х121001217,955,87± 2,00± 2,50
100х100х141001420,6348,47± 2,00± 2,50
100х100х161001623,342,92± 2,00± 2,50
110х110х8110813,574,07± 2,00± 2,50
125х125х8125815,4664,68± 2,00± 2,50
125х125х9125917,357,8± 2,00± 2,50
125х125х101251019,152,36± 2,00± 2,50
125х125х121251222,6844,09± 2,00± 2,50
125х125х141251426,238,17± 2,00± 2,50
125х125х161251629,6533,73± 2,50± 3,00
140х140х9140919,4151,52± 2,50± 3,00
140х140х101401021,4546,62± 2,50± 3,00
140х140х121401225,539,22± 2,50± 3,00
160х160х101601024,6740,54± 2,50± 3,00
160х160х111601127,0237,01± 2,50± 3,00
160х160х121601228,3535,27± 2,50± 3,00
160х160х141601422,9729,44± 2,50± 3,00
160х160х161601638,5225,96± 2,50± 3,00
160х160х181601843,0123,25± 2,50± 3,00
160х160х201602047,4421,08± 2,50± 3,00
180х180х111801130,132,79± 2,50± 3,00
180х180х121801233,130,21± 2,50± 3,00
200х200х12200123727,03± 2,50± 3,00

В таблицах приведен расчет согласно ГОСТ.


Отличительная особенность стального уголка перфорированного — универсальность. Изделие подходит для сборки конструкций из различных элементов, независимо от сложности. К преимуществам относятся и такие свойства:

  1. Надежность — стойкость конструкции на изгиб в местах соединения повышается в разы.
  2. Устойчивость к влаге, температурным колебаниям, негативному воздействию внешней среды.
  3. Небольшой вес.
  4. Монтаж осуществляется без привлечения специализированного оборудования.

Вывод один: устанавливая оцинкованные крепежные элементы в угловых соединениях получится не только усилить показатели по прочности и надежности, но и продлить срок службы возведенной конструкции.

90000 How Much Does a Cloud Weigh? 90001 90002 As convenient as smartphones and tablets are, they do not necessarily offer the best sound quality. But a well-built portable speaker can fill that need. And whether you’re looking for a speaker to use in the shower or a device to take on a long camping trip, these bestselling models from Amazon have you covered. 90003 90004 1. OontZ Angle 3 Bluetooth Portable Speaker; $ 26- $ 30 (4.4 stars) 90005 90002 Of the 57,000-plus reviews that users have left for this speaker on Amazon, 72 percent of them are five stars.So it should come as no surprise that this is currently the best-selling portable Bluetooth speaker on the site. It comes in eight different colors and can play for up to 14 hours straight after a full charge. Plus, it’s splash proof, making it a perfect speaker for the shower, beach, or pool. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 2. JBL Charge 3 Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker; $ 110 (4.6 stars) 90005 90002 This nifty speaker can connect with up to three devices at one time, so you and your friends can take turns sharing your favorite music.Its built-in battery can play music for up to 20 hours, and it can even charge smartphones and tablets via USB. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 3. Anker Soundcore Bluetooth Speaker; $ 25- $ 28 (4.6 stars) 90005 90002 This speaker boasts 24-hour battery life and a strong Bluetooth connection within a 66-foot radius. It also comes with a built-in microphone so you can easily take calls over speakerphone. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 4. Bose SoundLink Color Bluetooth Speaker; $ 129 (4.4 stars) 90005 90002 Bose is well-known for building user-friendly products that offer excellent sound quality. This portable speaker lets you connect to the Bose app, which makes it easier to switch between devices and personalize your settings. It’s also water-resistant, making it durable enough to handle a day at the pool or beach. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 5. DOSS Soundbox Touch Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker; $ 28- $ 33 (4.4 stars) 90005 90002 This portable speaker features an elegant system of touch controls that lets you easily switch between three methods of playing audio-Bluetooth, Micro SD, or auxiliary input.It can play for up to 20 hours after a full charge. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 6. Altec Lansing Mini Wireless Bluetooth Speaker; $ 15- $ 20 (4.3 stars) 90005 90002 This lightweight speaker is built for the outdoors. With its certified IP67 rating-meaning that it’s fully waterproof, shockproof, and dust proof-it’s durable enough to withstand harsh environments. Plus, it comes with a carabiner that can attach to a backpack or belt loop. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 7.Tribit XSound Go Bluetooth Speaker; $ 33- $ 38 (4.6 stars) 90005 90002 Tribit’s portable Bluetooth speaker weighs less than a pound and is fully waterproof and resistant to scratches and drops. It also comes with a tear-resistant strap for easy transportation, and the rechargeable battery can handle up to 24 hours of continuous use after a full charge. In 2020 року, it was Wirecutter’s pick as the best budget portable Bluetooth speaker on the market. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 8.VicTsing SoundHot C6 Portable Bluetooth Speaker; $ 18 (4.3 stars) 90005 90002 The SoundHot portable Bluetooth speaker is designed for convenience wherever you go. It comes with a detachable suction cup and a carabiner so you can keep it secure while you’re showering, kayaking, or hiking, to name just a few. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 9. AOMAIS Sport II Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker; $ 30 (4.4 stars) 90005 90002 This portable speaker is certified to handle deep waters and harsh weather, making it perfect for your next big adventure.It can play for up to 15 hours on a full charge and offers a stable Bluetooth connection within a 100-foot radius. 90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90004 10. XLEADER SoundAngel Touch Bluetooth Speaker; $ 19- $ 23 (4.4 stars) 90005 90002 This stylish device is available in black, silver, gold, and rose gold. Plus, it’s equipped with Bluetooth 5.0, a more powerful technology that can pair with devices up to 800 feet away. The SoundAngel speaker itself is not water-resistant, but it comes with a waterproof case for protection in less-than-ideal conditions.90003 90002 90009 Buy it: 90010 Amazon 90003 90002 90085 This article contains affiliate links to products selected by our editors. Mental Floss may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. 90086 90003 .90000 How Much Does a Shed Weigh? [With Examples] 90001 90002 Have you ever wondered how much a shed weights? I certainly have. Whether you’re looking to move a shed or determining how much weight a foundation needs to support, it’s an important question. It’s also a difficult question to answer. 90003 90002 So how much does a shed weigh? 90005 Some sheds will weigh less than 100 pounds, and other sheds can weigh an over 2500 pounds. A wooden shed will generally weigh between 1200-2600 pounds.A metal shed will weigh from 70 to 200 pounds. Finally, a plastic shed can weigh from 100 pounds. 90006 90003 90002 I’ve taken the time here to go over the different types of building materials to give you better numbers. A little bit of planning now (by properly calculating the weight) can save you a lot of logistical nightmares later. 90003 90002 90011 90011 90003 90014 Why Do You Need to Know the Weight of the Shed? 90015 90002 In my experience, knowing the weight of the shed matters because 1) I’m trying to figure out how to move it; or, 2) I’m trying to figure out how much weight the foundation needs to support.90003 90002 90005 Moving your shed 90006 90003 90002 If you’re looking to move a shed, how far a move are we talking about? From one side of the yard to the other? Or do you need to get your shed from your brother’s house in North Carolina to a property in Colorado? 90003 90002 The longer the move, the more logistics you need to consider when transporting the weight. Some trailers move sheds fairly easily, and some sheds (the kits) disassemble smoothly allowing you to move a shed using something as small as a minivan.90003 90002 90005 Laying a foundation 90006 90003 90002 When considering a foundation, you’re probably aware of the fact that the foundation may be the most important part of the shed’s installation. You need to get it right the first time. 90003 90002 A poor foundation will damage your shed. Your shed was built with specifications that support the structure as it sits on a stable, level surface. 90003 90002 You might go to great lengths to create a level surface that may or may not remain stable, because the kind of foundation you chose was inappropriate for the shed weight or soil conditions.90003 90002 Laying the right kind of foundation depends primarily upon the weight of the shed. 90003 90002 Lighter sheds are less likely to settle or sink into the ground. Therefore, a lighter shed will often sit nicely on bare, level ground. 90003 90002 Heavier sheds might require a full concrete foundation. This is the most expensive foundation, but it should hold up to almost any ground settling or weathering. 90003 90002 In between solutions — from a deck blocks to wooden skids — will vary in price and reliability.90003 90002 Some shed manufacturers are beginning to include their own foundations. These foundations are great because they’ve been built specifically for the shed you purchased. Additionally, these custom-built foundations can often work on uneven ground. 90003 90002 Most people, when they think of a shed, are picturing the shed kits displayed in home improvement store parking lots. Those are often the larger, heavier sheds available. There are also metal and plastic sheds. 90003 90014 How Much Does the Shed Kit Weigh? 90015 90002 Most shed kits are made of wood.A small-to-medium size shed kit weighs around 1200 pounds while larger shed kits can run up to 2600 pounds. 90003 90002 However, these numbers change somewhat if you need to add a floor (which is not usually included) or if the kit does not include extra features. These extra features might be things like windows and doors. 90003 90002 Shed kits usually service larger storage areas due to the long-lasting materials used. Manufacturers figure that you want a long-term storage solution when you invest in a shed kit.90003 90002 Hence, their heaviness and larger size. 90003 90002 These are a few examples of 90059 popular shed kit models 90060 and how much they weigh: 90003 90002 90005 Moving a shed kit 90006 90003 90002 If you are considering moving in the near future and want to take your shed with you, the wooden shed kits could be the most obnoxious sheds to move and reinstall. 90003 90002 That being said, if you are able to disassemble and reassemble your shed easily, that can offer you more flexibility.However, transporting a shed in parts only works well with kits and might require multiple «trips.» 90003 90002 When buying your kit new, check with the seller. They will probably deliver the shed to you for a reasonable price. 90003 90002 If you’re simply moving the shed from one part of the property to another, consider the PVC pipe method. You will need something (maybe a car jack) to prop up one side of the shed. From there, you can guide the structure onto 3-6 PVC pipes underneath. 90003 90002 Like the ancient Egyptians, grab the PVC pipe from the back as it exits and set it in front of the shed in the direction you need to move it.90003 90002 While I know people that have moved their shed using ratchet straps and a pickup truck, I do not recommend it. You risk destroying your yard AND your shed. 90003 90002 90005 Foundation for shed kits 90006 90003 90002 Unless the kit includes its own foundation, it is generally a bad idea to install it on the bare ground. Bare ground will not support shed weight properly. 90003 90002 If laying a concrete foundation is out of the question for your budget, you might look into pavers or a wooden frame.For most yards, both of these foundations should do just fine. 90003 90014 How Much Does a Metal Shed Weigh? 90015 90002 Metal sheds can weigh as little as 70 pounds, and larger metal sheds do not usually weigh more than 200 pounds. Its material is a relatively thin layer of galvanized steel on the sides and roof. 90003 90002 As a general rule, your metal sheds run smaller, usually less than 100 square feet. The height is also going to be noticeably lower. Like the kits above, there’s not often a floor included, though most metal sheds include a metal sliding door but no space for windows.90003 90002 These are a few examples of 90059 popular metal shed kit models 90060 and how much they weigh: 90003 90002 90005 Moving a metal shed 90006 90003 90002 Due to their light weight, a team of 2-4 people can usually transport a metal shed onto a trailer or across the yard. Wear gloves, lift with your legs, and you should be good to go. 90003 90002 90005 Foundation for metal sheds 90006 90003 90002 Metal sheds will sit nicely on flat ground. You should make sure that it is secured well to the ground, or else a strong wind may blow it into your neighbor’s yard.90003 90014 How Much Does a Plastic Shed Weigh? 90015 90002 For a lot of homeowners, plastic sheds fit right in the middle. They’ll be sturdier than the metal sheds but not so heavy that you’re afraid to move into your dream house because you love your wooden shed where it sits. 90003 90002 You can plan on plastic sheds weighing between 100-600 pounds. Many of them include flooring, unlike most kits and metal sheds. 90003 90002 Probably the most significant advantage of plastic sheds is their tendency to include all parts, allowing for simpler installation.As a bonus, plastic is going to hold up much better than wood (rot) and metal (rust). 90003 90002 Examples of 90059 popular plastic shed kit models 90060 and how much they weigh: 90003 90002 90005 Moving a plastic shed 90006 90003 90002 Most plastic sheds are easily moved with 2-4 people. Your smaller trailers will usually bear up well under the weight of a plastic shed. 90003 90002 If you’re moving an especially large / heavier plastic shed, the PVC pipe method will work well too. 90003 90002 90005 Foundation for plastic kits 90006 90003 90002 While I’ve used plastic sheds on bare, level ground without any trouble, you might consider at least a spot leveled with gravel.90003 90002 You’ll find that the plastic sheds that include a floor make it easier to install directly on the ground. If you live in a part of the country where the ground is stable (as opposed to sandy or swampy), you’re probably okay using the level ground. 90003 90014 How to Calculate the Weight of a DIY Shed? 90015 90002 How much does a shed weigh if you’re building it yourself? We can come up with a straight answer for ourselves by running some calculations. 90003 90002 Here’s a simple (it is simple, though tedious) step-by-step to help you.90003 90142 90143 Calculate the weight of the siding. I’m assuming here that you’ve already calculated exactly how much lumber / metal / plastic you’ll need to build your shed. Weigh one piece, then multiple it out according to how many parts your shed requires. 90144 90143 Calculate the weight of the roof. Whether traditional or metal shingles, simply weigh one then multiply it out by the number of shingles the shed will need. 90144 90143 Factor in the weight of any windows and doors. This could prove challenging if you are building these from scratch.And if this is the case, use the method from step 1 to get accurate numbers. Buying these pieces whole allows you to weigh each piece fully constructed. 90144 90143 If using nails, do not forget to add that weight as well. Ever held a box of nails in your hand? Yeah, that’s a significant weight that a lot of DIY-ers forget to consider. 90144 90143 If adding flooring (apart from the foundation), then calculate that as well. You should be able to calculate this weight just as you did in step 1. 90144 90143 Add all the weights together for a total weight.90144 90155 90002 If you’re trying to decide whether to build your shed directly on the site / foundation or in another location, then calculating the weight will help you make an informed decision. 90003 90014 Related Questions 90015 90002 90005 How much does a pole barn weigh? 90006 Pole barns — though significantly larger structures — are going to weight comparable to the wood shed kits. That means that your pole barns are somewhere between 1000-2500 pounds. The weight depends primarily upon whether the frame is a wooden truss or steel frame.90003 90002 90005 Do I need a permit to move a shed? 90006 If you are moving a shed of less than 100 square feet (with no intent to add plumbing or electricity) on your property, then probably not. However, if moving it on the road you should talk to your county zoning office to be safe. 90003 90002 90003 90170 90170 90002 Eugene has been a DIY enthusiast for most of his life and loves being creative while inspiring creativity in others. He is passionately interested in home improvement, renovation and woodworking.90003.90000 How Much Does a Cloud Weigh? 90001 90002 90003 • Water Science School HOME • Water Basics topics • The Water Cycle • Water Properties topics • 90004 90005 90006 How much does a cloud weigh? 90007 90008 90002 90010 We will use math instead of a giant weight scale to calculate the weight of a cumulus cloud. 90011 90005 90002 Do you think clouds have any weight? How can they, if they are floating in the air like a balloon filled with helium? If you tie a helium balloon to a kitchen scale it will not register any weight, so why should a cloud? To answer this question, let me ask if you think air has any weight-that is really the important question.If you know what air pressure and a barometer are, then you know that air does have weight. At sea level, the weight (pressure) of air is about 14 ½ pounds per square inch (1 kilogram per square centimeter). 90005 90002 Since air has weight it must also have 90003 density 90004, which is the weight for a chosen volume, such as a cubic inch or cubic meter. If clouds are made up of particles, then they must have weight and density. The key to why clouds float is that the density of the same volume of cloud material is less than the density of the same amount of dry air.Just as oil floats on water because it is less dense, clouds float on air because the moist air in clouds is less dense than dry air. 90005 90002 We still need to answer the question of how much a cloud weighs. To confuse things more, the weight depends on how you define it: 90005 90021 90022 The weight of the water droplets in the cloud 90023 90022 The weight of the water droplets plus the weight of the air (mostly above the cloud, pressing down) 90023 90026 90002 We’re only going to look at the weight of the actual cloud particles.One estimate of cumulus cloud density is given at 90028 https://www.sciencealert.com/this-is-how-much-a-cloud-weighs 90029, as a density of about 0.5 gram per cubic meter. A 1 cubic kilometer (km 90030 3) 90031 cloud contains 1 billion cubic meters. 90005 90002 Doing the math: 1,000,000,000 x 0.5 = 500,000,000 grams of water droplets in our cloud. That is about 500,000 kilograms or 1.1 million pounds (about 551 tons). But, that «heavy» cloud is floating over your head because the air below it is even heavier- the lesser density of the cloud allows it to float on the dryer and more-dense air.90005 90002 90003 ► 90004 90028 The little cloud that could-but why? 90029 (Why does this cloud exist?) 90005.90000 How Much Does the Moon Weigh? 90001 90002 What do you do if you encounter an alien? It’s obviously fairly unlikely, but nothing is impossible-after all, you can not spell 90003 meet 90004 without 90003 ET 90004. If there’s a stray dog ​​in your backyard, there’s a set procedure to follow. But what if, rather than a mere hound, it’s a creature from another world? 90007 90002 «If you meet an alien in your backyard, my recommendation is to get out of town,» Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, an organization seeking to explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe , tells Mental Floss.»If they have the technology to come here, they’re so far beyond us that whatever they want to do, they’re going to do. If they’re here to take over the planet, it’s going to be pretty hard to stop them. » 90007 90002 A creature from another planet lurking on your property means not only that there is intelligent life elsewhere, but that it is at a significantly more technologically advanced stage than humanity. A species with the ability to not only travel the enormous distances involved (the closest star to our sun, which does have some potentially life-supporting planets, is 4.2 light years away), but also land undetected in your flowerbed would simply have us outclassed. 90007 90002 As you flee, however, you might want to contact the emergency services. If, for instance, the alien is aflame-and given that we know nothing about what form such a creature might take, there’s no real reason it 90003 would not 90004 be-you might want to give the fire department a call, for example . Moving up a notch, the FBI and Department of Defense are frequently contacted with flying saucer sightings, as are the UK’s Royal Air Force and Ministry of Defence and, well, pretty much every other emergency service in every country.This is because there is no set protocol, no universally agreed-upon decree of exactly what to do in the event of a close encounter. 90007 90002 «As far as I know, there is no policy for that, because that would be like Neanderthals having a policy for if the U.S. military decided to take them on, «Shostak says. «If aliens were actually landing here, we could have whatever policy we wanted and it would not be likely to help much.» 90007 90002 Whatever Hollywood might tell us, the likelihood is that any contact we have with beings from another world will be limited to picking up a signal from deep space, rather than encountering the long fingers and warm heart of a charming 3-foot-tall alien rustling around in shrubbery.As luck would have it, there 90003 is 90004 a protocol for that; it’s known as the Declaration of Principles Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence [PDF] and was put together by the International Academy of Astronautics with input from Shostak. 90007 90002 The protocols are also entirely voluntary, with no force of law behind them and nobody under any obligation to adhere to them. What if you do not 90003 want 90004 to tell everybody? What if you fancy keeping information about life beyond Earth to yourself for a while? You’re the one talking to aliens, after all-surely you can make a few bucks out of the situation… 90007 90002 As Shostak points out, this kind of thinking is unlikely to get you anywhere. Given the distances involved, and the power required to transmit information that far, you are not going to be in any kind of dialogue. Secondly, revealing that you have detected a transmission is useless without it being verified and studied-the process of which, by necessity, involves making that information available to the world. Thirdly, interpreting any alien message will be a mammoth task involving a lot of work from a lot of people, a task unlikely to ever reach a definitive conclusion.»It would depend on whether they were trying to make it easy,» Shostak says. 90007 90002 Anything you discovered would belong to humanity as a whole, as we collectively tried to figure out what the signal meant, both literally and existentially, knowing we are not alone in the universe. You’d get to be the first person to prove there was intelligent life beyond Earth, which might be mildly less exciting in the short term than getting attacked by a little green man while taking the trash out, but at least you’d live to tell the tale.90007 .
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